Blick auf das RAL Gebäude mit Jubiläumsbanner zu 100 Jahren RAL mit dem Slogan
Time for tomorrow For 100 years, we at RAL have stood for quality, reliability and trust. We are celebrating our anniversary with a look back at a history rich in tradition - and full of energy for the future. Join us on this journey!
Bank vor RAL Gebäude in Bonn
The RAL building in Bonn. Our responsibility in the area of environmental protection, nature conservation and resource conservation is reflected in our modern RAL building in Bonn. The company site in Bonn-Beuel was designed as a sustainable building from the outset.
Blick auf das RAL Gebäude von der Straßenseite
Labeling expert since 1925. RAL is one of the world's oldest labeling professionals. Consumers, companies, industry and trade have relied on RAL since 1925. The particularly high quality standards of the products and services are developed by independent experts, continuously neutrally tested and constantly updated.

RAL the labeling expert. Since 1925.

Blonde junge Frau untersucht Hautpflegeprodukte nach Inhaltsstoffen

Orientation in the labeling jungle Clarity and transparency in all disciplines

As an umbrella organization, RAL unites various fields of activity and business areas. Around 150 different RAL quality marks are evidence of the objective and interest-neutral RAL quality assurance system, which ensures the particularly high quality of goods and services. Our RAL COLOURS are known worldwide, with over 2,500 valid colour standards and defined colour shades for professional colour users. The RAL ENVIRONMENT division awards the “Blue Angel” and “EU Ecolabel” environmental labels on behalf of the German Federal Government and the European Commission. RAL LOGO LICENSE helps to ensure that consumers and companies can rely on products and services with the Stiftung Warentest test logo, the sustainable textile seal “Grüner Knopf” or the food label “Nutri-Score” by issuing licenses, monitoring and prosecuting misuse. In this way, we make an important contribution to consumer protection and reliable orientation in the labeling jungle. Would you like to find out more about us or our labels? Take a look around our website and find out more. We are also happy to provide you with advice and look forward to hearing from you.

Creation & development

Grafik zur RAL Leistung
Since 1925, we have been the first port of call when it comes to the creation and development of reputable labels such as quality marks. In close contact with all relevant market participants, institutions, specialist and trade circles, we can draw on extensive experience and excellent networks.


Grafik zur RAL Leistung
Awarding reputable labels is part of our core business. We have managed the 'Blue Angel' and the 'EU Ecolabel', among others, since the beginning. New contracts such as the 'Nutri-Score' or 'Green Button' complement our range of services, as does the long-standing licensing of the Stiftung Warentest test logo.


Grafik zur RAL Leistung
Market surveillance and abuse prosecution round off our range of services and our contribution to fair, transparent and trustworthy economic life - whether for consumers, companies, retailers or institutions.
Grafik zur RAL Leistung
Grafik zur RAL Leistung
Grafik zur RAL Leistung
RAL Gebäude in Bonn mit Logoschriftzug RAL
Guidance for reliable products and services.

RAL Gebäude in Bonn mit Logoschriftzug RAL
Guidance for reliable products and services.
RAL quality marks indicate a particularly high quality of products and services.

Farbfächer und Stoffmuster in Rottönen RAL/IIT Timo Rieke
The global language of colours.
Immerse yourself in the world of over 2,500 defined colour shades with RAL colours.

Aussicht auf wolkenbehangene Berggipfel iStockphoto/Robert Bodnar
Working for the Blue Angel and EU Ecolabel for four decades.
The Blue Angel and EU Ecolabel eco-labels identify particularly environmentally friendly products and services. They are awarded by RAL according to a strict certification procedure with specific environmental criteria.

Grüner Knopf Label in Kleidung GIZ/Geschäftsstelle Grüner Knopf
Independent and neutral marketing and monitoring of your trademark or brand.
RAL LOGO LICENSE is a business division of the non-profit RAL gGmbH, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of RAL Deutsches Institut für Gütesicherung und Kennzeichnung e. V.

Blick Über die Schulter auf eine RAL Akademie Broschüre RAL
Lectures, workshops and events with top-class speakers.
The seminars offered by the RAL Academy cover a wide range of topics with numerous contents. In addition to colour seminars, the RAL Academy also organizes individually tailored in-house seminars, for example on RAL quality assurance.
Farbfächer RAL K7 CLASSIC
We are here for you
Are you looking for the right RAL product and need help?